DIY Closet Hanging Clothes Rack

Hi guys! As many of you may know, I’m in the process of remodeling the walk in closet in my filming room. It consists of lots of Ikea shelving and a few DIYs. Today I’m sharing this whimsical pinterest inspired hanging clothes rack.

I’ve seen a trend in the recent years where girls have inspirational clothing racks in their rooms to keep their favorite pieces of clothing and I’ve alway envisioned having one but never found one that fit my space or style. Then I came across a photo of something similar to this and couldn’t wait to get started.
~Products Used~
❤ 1 Tree Branch (Make sure that the hangers fit around the branch before you start your project!)
❤ 2 Ceiling Hooks similar to these 
❤ Gold Metal Chain
I hope you enjoy the DIY! If you decide to give this a shot send me a photo and use #MissLizHeart so I can see it! 

xo Liz ♥

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  1. نقل عفش مكة

    يمكنك الان الاستفادة من عروض شركة نقل العفش بمكة التي تقوم بتوفير خدمات للشركات والمحلات التجارية لنقل محتوياتها علي ايدي عمالة نقل اثاث بمكة المتخصين


  2. almyaa almyaa

    سارع في الاتصال علي مركز صيانة شارب لكي تحصل علي الخدمات المضمونه كما ان هناك مركز صيانة ويرلبول لتصليح اجهزة ويرلبول بطريقة معتمده ومختبره من قبل شركة ويرلبول لتصنيع الاجهزة الكهربائية